Relocation Specialist

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We would like to thank the following sponsors:
Full-time, educated and dedicated Realtor with over 30 years of LOCAL real estate experience.

Buying, Selling, Short Sales, Foreclosures, 1031 Exchanges.

I've been living in and loving this area most of my life. We have a wonderful community to live in and play in.

''Let my experience work for you!''
2815 Tamiami Trail
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Brown, Karen - Michael Saunders & Company
* Karen’s background as senior partner at one of the world's largest ad agencies & 19 years of real estate experience means
her customers receive world-class service.

* Professional photography, live videos,dedicated property websites, & custom print & digital marketing from the award winning team at Michael Saunders & Company are her trademark.
101 Taylor St.
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
1675 West Marion Ave., Suite 112
Punta Gorda, FL 33950